25th BLOG POST –>>

Strange but very true saying love stararts when you dont need it and love ends when you most need it. Love is like that the aim of love life is one place but the path to life is another. The days that were beautiful started fading up. The aroma that used to attract me, still attracted but when I moved towards it, it used to disappear. The dreams that trapped me in its beauty and glare stopped celebrating itself in my slumber moments because of love. The world started changing. The island that once showed me the horizons of endless water showed me a barren land which was still to taste a drop of water. The tree that used to give me mangoes of all sizes and shapes begun showing what empty branches are like. The moment she came in my life, I realized that I have got my life with positive thoughts. The rationality and diplomacy that the thoughts had started changing for her. The positivism that I had started turning into orbits of hatred where she was the center point. The life that had a life of itself started turning out to be lifeless. It was hard to identify myself. The boy who showered love wasn’t getting a chance to meet his love for a moment. Yes, at this stage the love was at its climax. All the white started moving towards black, escaping the grayish shade.

It was first day when I fell in love at first sight. It was after some months and the love wasn’t getting any better than any of the yesterdays. It started turning out to be the weakest asset that I ever possessed. But still a thought of getting a relationship failed was in my head. I asked her what was her reason to not continue the love that was fulfilling almost every desire of each other. But she had a answer. A private problem is that cannot be shared. But I hope you get a better one than me”. For once, my mind did say,”Oh Yeah, bitch, every girl in this world is better than you. And to be truthful, even a bitch is better bitch than you.” But the love dominated the situation, thought process, anger, frustration and even exasperation. The orgasm that one sees in the movies are just a great creativity of the makers. The reality tells what orgasm is. It is nothing except few seconds of fun that a person gets and then forget the emotional connect one had with the person but here was no much more like that.
Those days were some days, nobody understood my true love for her everyone said hey it is teenage crush you will laugh when you remember these days and you will get over it ,but i didn’t care what people had to say about my true love, i loved her very much but unfortunately luck wasn’t on my side and lost her but honestly i still can’t get love…….Pyaar kya hai Dard kya hai Deewane samajhte hain Ishq mein jalne ka matlab Aashiq hi samajhte hain Only crazy can understand What is love and pain Only lovers can understand What it is to suffer in love Main tadapta rahoon Tujhe kuchh na kahoon Bin kahe bhi magar Main to reh na sakoon I keep squirming But do not tell you But I can not remain Without telling you…

Realy name of love is God and it’s written in the bible God is love because he so love the world that he gave his begotten son that who so ever believe in him shall parish will receive d eternal life. God bless all lovers… .under Process. Please visit later


24th BLOG POST –>>

Finally its the last week of this year and decade. A wonderful year of 2012 is coming to an end which showed us so many things (latest being Sachin Tendulkar’s bye 😉 ). The last week of every year has one charismatic festival which I don’t think you would have found difficult in figuring out. Merry Christmas to all of you. Christmas is a beautiful festival celebrated by Christians and all the followers of Jesus Christ. Christmas signifies the birth of Jesus Christ. Now a days Christmas is not only confined to Christians but by other religious and pious people too. I’m a Hindu and I am as enthusiastic as Christians for this festival. Jesus Christ is not only associated with Christians as the English Calendar which is followed globally is based on his birth. The Hindu Calendar and Islamic Calendar are followed by their followers itself but the Christian Calendar is followed by each and everyone so the importance of Jesus Christ and Christmas is very close to each and everyone in the world.
      Christmas greetings to all … peace and happiness for this festival of prayer and well being, for goodness and friendship to prevail, and for the greater good of humanity to find a warm home in each one of us …It’s been a roller coaster of a year but at last Christmas is here and a New Year is in sight.
       I would like to wish my family and friends a very Merry Christmas and extend a big thank you to everyone for their continued support and help during 2012
      May the Stars and Sunshine of Christmas bring peace and love in your life. The happiness and sacredness that the Lord Jesus wanted everyone to possess should be a matter of fact and not fiction/myth. Let the question of God existing or not remain aside but on the mark of Year’s last festival, trust in the God and the plans that he makes for us. Every Christmas, we pray God to send Santa Claus to our homes with the gift that we are waiting/dying for. As a child, all of us demanded something from our parents continuously. But they never used to give us in closet as they didn’t want us to become adamant and someone not valuing things. Finally, before the arrival of Christmas, they used to ask us to write what we wanted on a chit of paper so that they can give it to Santa Claus. We used to write it. On the night of 24th, when we used to get ready for sleep, parents used to ask us to pray God and sleep so that, by the morning, when we would be waking up, we’ll find gifts under our pillow. Many of us after praying never used to sleep for next 2-3 hours in an expectation of seeing how Santa Claus comes in the dress and places the gift. But we failed because of the amount of slumber we loved then. 🙂 Now, we prefer Facebook/Twitter over slumber.
         Finally, in the morning, when we used to wake up, we used to find the toy that we asked for either under our pillow or on our bedside with few chocolates. Then, our parents used to make us bathe and pray God to thank him for sending Santa Claus with the gift. They never told us that they themselves are Santa for us who purchase the gift and never tell us that they are doing this favour ove us and not Santa. 🙂 And, after that we visit our Christian friends to meet them on the occasion and used to discuss as to what they wrote on their piece of paper/message/sms etc for thwir friends and how they got their favorite toy. Some of us even carried our new toy to showcase it in front of our friends and boast about it. :-).But I become so sad now in college our friends not celebrating this festival much more. They wish to each other not enjouying much…:( 😦 This is how I remember Christmas every year. And with the amount of love I have for this festival, I don’t think that I will ever stop celebrating or prioritizing it. I love this festival to the core. Actually, I, since my childhood, have not been into celebration of festivals but I always respected every festival that came in my way. And I never knew what religion and caste were until my 10th std. This helped me a lot in developing up as a human I am.
A Merry Christmas to all of you. Do celebrate the day and try to make it sure that you do something different from every usual day.